Hear-ye, Hear-ye...

Roundedcube makes content king again.

Content Strategy

Develop an Information Architecture and Taxonomy

A site is only as good as its content. Roundedcube begins every project with a discovery of existing content and business goals. Before we begin design, we create a detailed IA so content can be organized and way-finding is made easy. Our content strategies will focus efforts to organize, concept/create and leverage content for launch and beyond. Content style guides can aid in insuring that the website's messaging and quality is consistent and effective long after launch.

Develop Personalized Content and Media That Works

Content creation is often an afterthought of web implementation, but with a solid content strategy web content can be concepted and developed by our production design team with an overall vision in mind and then versioned for a particular audience. Content that is personalized can drive greater sales and higher customer satisfaction.

See how persona-driven marketing can drive customer satisfaction

Create Sharable Content with Real SEO Value

Web content isn't merely consumed--it's shared, commented on, searched for, mashed-up, borrowed and blogged about. Whether users share with Facebook or Twitter or  any another social platform, syndicated content can be optimized to produce the best results. Using Open Graph tags and Alt tags for Images and other media can aid in ongoing search engine optimization as well.

See more about Social and Search Engine Optimization

Accessibility for Modern Websites

Accessibility is as much about content as it is functionality. At Roundedcube we are experts at both, developing the standards and best practices websites need to provide accessible content and the navigational framework that enables non-seeing or disabled persons to use the site easily. Avoid worrying about lawsuits and site audits and make sure your website is compliant and available to all your users.